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Locum Consultant ENT & Head & Neck Surgeon

Western Health and Social Care Trust

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Locum Consultant ENT & Head & Neck Surgeon

Western Health and Social Care Trust


Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery

Directorate: Unscheduled Care, Medicine, Cancer and Clinical Services

Contract and hours: Temporary, Full Time (40hpw, 10PA's)

Job summary

To provide the optimum quality of care and efficient ENT/Head and Neck services within the contract resources available to the Western Health and Social Services Trust.

To share in the collective responsibility for the provision of the services for patients within the ENT Surgery Department. To provide leadership within their own speciality team. To contribute to the development of excellence in clinical practice through research, audit and undergraduate and postgraduate training.

Key responsibilities

The prime clinical responsibility is to be accountable for the continuous care of his/her patients and, as part of this responsibility, undertake shared rota arrangements for the ENT Surgery Rota ensuring appropriate standards of care for patients and standards of education for junior staff at all times.

Will promote and develop multidisciplinary teamwork within the specialty and will communicate effectively with all agencies and personnel involved in providing ENT / Head and Neck Surgery services.

Will work together with his/her ENT Surgery colleagues in the further development of ENT/Head and Neck Surgery services in the area.

Will be responsible for providing procedures relating to the specialty and will develop same in keeping with medical advances.


For more details view the full job description in the Additional Information section below.


Full Time

£106,424 - £139,920 per annum pro rata

  • Locum Consultant ENT HN Surgeon.pdf

    Download the Document

Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Londonderry

Northern Ireland

The Trust is an equal opportunities employer
Locum Consultant ENT & Head & Neck Surgeon

Western Health and Social Care Trust

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