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Consultant – Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Western Australia - Department of Health

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Consultant – Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Western Australia - Department of Health


Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Regional Profile

The South West is located in the southern-western corner of Australia and covers an area of nearly 24,000 square kilometres. It is Western Australia’s most popular tourist destination and has unique biodiversity and a rich natural environment. The Regional Health Service offers two (2) main health facilities at Bunbury and Busselton.


The Health Service is also widely supported with a network of smaller hospitals and Multi-Purpose Service (MPS) sites at: Augusta, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown, Collie, Donnybrook, Harvey, Margaret River, Nannup, Northcliffe, Pemberton and Warren.

Directorate overview

The Directorate of Medical Services provides leadership and oversight for Western Australian Country Health Service (WACHS)- South West in the areas of patient safety and clinical quality, clinical leadership, and medical workforce.

The Directorate works collaboratively with the WACHS Central Office Directorate and local staff to deliver patient centered, high quality, value-based health services to WA’s regional and remote population. The Directorate aligns with the WACHS strategy and values of community, compassion, quality, integrity, equity and curiosity.

The Directorate leads and coordinates a range of programs for WACHS including medical workforce recruitment and credentialing and safety and quality.

Position Overview

Provides excellent specialist level clinical care in O&G to a regional referral centre, including support to the level 2 and 3 sites that refer care to the regional centre. As part of a multidisciplinary team provides specialist medical services to patients at Bunbury Hospital and other South West hospitals as necessary to support appropriate service delivery.

Provides leadership supporting high standards of patient safety and quality of care.

Provides leadership and facilitates orientation, training, supervision and education, where relevant, for Doctors in Training (DiTs), health service medical practitioners and other health workers. In collaboration with other Consultants works to achieve National, State, and WACHS/SW performance standards and targets within allocated resources. Works within the scope of clinical practice as defined and approved by the Credentialing and Scope of Practice (CASOP) committee.

Key Duties/Responsibilities

1. Clinical - 70% 1.1. Provides direct clinical care to patients as a specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. 

1.2. Actively includes patients and their family in decision making regarding their care. 

1.3. Attends patients promptly when requested by medical or nursing staff. 

1.4. Performs procedures and operations within their scope of practice. 

1.5. Conducts outpatient clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Bunbury Hospital and other sites in the region. 

1.6. Supports all members of the multidisciplinary team caring for patients including GP Obstetricians and Midwives including requests for support around the region. 

1.7. Ensures that communication to General Practitioners by way of discharge summaries, outpatient letters and phone calls is completed promptly. 

2. Teaching, Audit and Research – 20% 2.1. Participates in training programs for medical staff, medical students and midwives, as required including supervision and teaching of RANZCOG trainees and DRANZCOG trainees in inpatient, outpatient and theatre settings. 

2.2. Participates in audit and research projects for the unit 

2.3. Maintains knowledge and expertise regarding current developments in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

3. Leadership and Governance – 10% 3.1. Advises head of department about any concerns or changes in contemporary models of care and service requirements. 

3.2. Participates in the development of WACHS policies and procedures 

3.3. Participates in departmental activity that may include orientation of new staff, rostering, leave management and scheduling, professional development reviews junior medical staff, ensuring they are appropriately supervised, educated and appraised. 

3.4. Participates is rigorous peer review processes such as clinical review meetings, periodic audits and consideration of variation in care compared with like institutions or standards. 

3.5. Participates in managing complaints, investigations into serious adverse clinical incidents and clinical outcomes as requested. 

4. Other 4.1. Performs duties in accordance with Government, WA Health, WA Country Health Service, Great Southern and Albany Health Campus Policies and Procedures including the relevant Work Health and Safety legislation, Equal Opportunity legislation and WA Health Code of Conduct. 

4.2. Participates in general hospital activities and committees, as requested. 

Work Related Requirements - The following criteria are to be read together with the Brief Summary of Duties and considered in the context of the WACHS Values.


1. Eligible for registration with the Medical Board of Australia.

2. Holds Fellowship of the Royal Australasian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (O & G) or equivalent.

3. Demonstrated clinical experience and knowledge in O & G relevant to the position.

4. Demonstrated achievement of outcomes related to clinical leadership and management in an interdisciplinary environment, within allocated resources.

5. Demonstrated experience in developing and maintaining quality assurance programs and clinical review activities.

6. Demonstrated experience and commitment to clinical teaching

7. Demonstrated excellent interpersonal, negotiation and conflict resolution skills with an ability to liaise effectively with patients, individuals and the multidisciplinary team.

8. Demonstrated excellent written and verbal communication skills.

9. Current knowledge of legislative obligations for Equal Opportunity, Disability Services and Work Health and Safety, and how these impact on employment and service delivery.







Full Time

Western Australia


Consultant – Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Western Australia - Department of Health