Primary Objective
To provide a high quality midwifery care to our maternity community recognising the needs and acknowledging the dignity, culture and values of our patients and their families and/or carers.
To comply with the code of practice for nurses and midwives.
You are responsible for delivering safe and effective personal care and clinical care, in accordance with the consumer’s needs, goals and preferences to optimise their health and well-being.
You will practice according to the standards prescribed by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Professional Codes and Guidelines and within scope of practice.
Key Activities
· Practice in accordance with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMAC) National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse
· Delivery of consumer centred care that meets best practice standards and in line with Portland District Health requirements
· Provide quality patient care using evidence based approach and in line with PDH Policy and Procedures
· Ensure confidentiality and privacy are maintained
· Ensure conversations and language is appropriate and respectful of patients to achieve professional, organisational, legal and ethical requirements
Key Requirements
· Degree level qualification with a recognised educational institution in Nursing or Midwifery (or other if required)
· Registration with AHPRA
· A strong midwifery background
· Well-developed communication and interpersonal skills
· FSEP Level 3
· Demonstrated commitment to the provision of care, which focuses on the woman and their family
· Commitment to flexibility and innovation in practice including an evidence-based approach to care
Applications without a current CV/Resume may not be considered!
For more information, please see the full position description in the Additional Information section below.