Job opportunities direct from employers
Finance Monitoring Officer, Income - Band 5

Western Health and Social Care Trust

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Finance Monitoring Officer, Income - Band 5

Western Health and Social Care Trust


Financial Services

Directorate: Financial Services

Initial Location: Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh

Contract and Hours: Temporary, Full-time (37.5 hpw)


Job summary

The post holder will be responsible for providing the day-to-day interface between the BSO and Trust managers and staff specifically in the area of income and also providing support in the areas of payments, travel, and payroll. In addition the post holder will provide support to help ensure processes which are Trust responsibility take place within reasonable timescales to enable BSO Shared Services to meet their deadlines.

Main responsibilities

  • Act as nominated contact point for BSO shared service centre in relation to queries/issues/barriers/problems specifically with income but also with payments, payroll and travel.
  • Act as nominated contact point to which Trust staff will direct queries/issues/barriers/problems that they believe are not satisfactorily resolved by the shared service centres
  • Provide initial review of draft F0I/AQ responses by the shared services centres
  • Act as nominated Trust contact point for submission of ad-hoc information requests to BSO shared services centres
  • Liaise with BSO SSCs and challenge performance levels eg processing delays
  • Assist in the Trust monitoring of SLA delivery and KPIs, producing appropriate commentary on Performance reports to be raised with BSO Shared Services at monthly/quarterly meetings
  • Attend regular BSO – Trust operational interface meetings
  • Act as contact point within the Trust for disseminating communications from the shared services centres
  • Develop communications  to improve the working mechanism for processing of payments, income, travel and payroll
  • Initial point of contact for discussing changes to operational / system processes
  • Authorise BSO to process new FPM user set up requests
  • Intervene on behalf of BSO where queries to managers/staff remain unanswered
  • Proactively manage tendency towards Trust customisation / maintenance of status quo
  • Assess need for changes to policies / procedures as a result of difficulties encountered by Trust or SSCs
  • Assess impact of BSO SSCs decisions on staff / suppliers / customers
  • Resolve issues identified through the interindebtedness process working with shared services centres and Trust staff

             For more details view the full job description in the Additional Information section below.


Full Time


Band 5

  • Finance Monitoring Officer - Band 5.pdf

    Download the Document

Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh

Northern Ireland

The Trust is an equal opportunities employer
Finance Monitoring Officer, Income - Band 5

Western Health and Social Care Trust

Application Questions *