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Consultant Physician in Rheumatology and General Internal Medicine

Western Health and Social Care Trust

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Consultant Physician in Rheumatology and General Internal Medicine

Western Health and Social Care Trust


Rheumatology / General Internal Medicine

Location: Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Londonderry

Directorate: Unscheduled Care, Medicine, Cancer & Clinical Services

Contract and Hours: Permanent, Full-time (40 hpw, 10PA's)  A waiting list may be established for the next 12 months should another similar post arise

Job summary

The Western Trust is seeking to recruit a Consultant Physician in Rheumatology and GIM. The post will have a primary base of Altnagelvin Hospital, with outreach commitments to Omagh Hospital. This is a replacement post. Although we are seeking to recruit to a full-time position, the Trust will consider candidates seeking part-time employment.

The successful candidates upon employment will have access to office with access to Trust computer (desktop/laptop), relevant IT equipment to carry out their job seamlessly and access to all relevant IT systems.

The successful employee will have secretarial support to carry out the administrative duties in a timely manner.

Job purpose

  • To provide a high quality, effective and efficient Rheumatology service within the contract resources available to Western HSC Trust.
  • To provide an efficient and effective Rheumatology service to meet the needs of the population.

Job role

  • To share in the collective responsibility for the provision of the Rheumatology service to patients within the Western Trust area.
  • To provide leadership within the specialty team and to contribute to the development of excellence in clinical practice through research, audit and undergraduate and postgraduate training.
  • To provide senior decision making within the Rheumatology service.
  • To contribute to the development in excellence in clinical practice through research, audit and undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
  • This post is a full time position, 10 Programmed Activities, with additional PA’s available for training, education/ specialist activities (to be determined upon appointment).
  • The Trust would wish to offer all candidates opportunity to specialise in their preferred sub-specialty. Every effort will be made to ensure these opportunities are available.
  • Mentorship is available if required from colleagues within the team or regionally if not available locally. It would also be expected that experienced candidates would be willing to mentor junior colleagues.

Main repsonsibilities

  • The prime clinical responsibility is to be accountable for the continuous care of patients within a team setting and as part of this responsibility, undertake shared rota arrangements with colleagues in post, to provide the highest possible level of senior decision making for Rheumatology patients in the care of the Trust.
  • Promote and develop multidisciplinary teamwork in the specialty of Rheumatology.
  • Conduct the administrative duties associated with the care of patients and the management of the service in a timely manner.
  • The post-holder will work with colleagues in the further development of the Rheumatology department
  • The post holder will be responsible for providing any procedures relating to the specialty and will develop the same in keeping with medical advances.
  • The Trust plays a significant role in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and the post holder will be required to support the supervision and education of junior doctors.
  • To participate in the provision of emergency and elective work of Rheumatology based within the Western Health & Social Care Trust.
  • Provide evidence-based care to people living with Rheumatology disorders within the outpatient, day case and inpatient areas.
  • Will hold outpatient clinics as required for patients within the specialty group and will be responsible along with the other consultants for providing continuing care for Rheumatology inpatients.
  • Whilst working as the on-call Consultant to be available to provide advice to other colleagues by telephone.
  • To collaborate closely with colleagues to expand and further develop the service.
  • Participate in audit, clinical governance, appraisal and continuing professional development activities as agreed by the profession and the Trust
  • To work collaboratively with neighbouring HSC Trusts in keeping with best clinical practice, regional strategy and Trust policy.


 For more details view the full job description in the Additional Information section below.


Full Time

£100,400 - £132,000 per annum pro rata

  • Consultant Rheumatology & GIM.pdf

    Download the Document

Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Londonderry

Northern Ireland

The Trust is an equal opportunities employer
Consultant Physician in Rheumatology and General Internal Medicine

Western Health and Social Care Trust

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