Job opportunities direct from employers
Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine

Western Health and Social Care Trust

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Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine

Western Health and Social Care Trust


Emergency Medicine

Location: Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Londonderry

Directorate: Unscheduled Care, Medicine, Cancer & Clinical Services

Contract and Hours: Permanent, Full-time (40hpw, 10PA's)  A waiting list may be established for the next 12 months should another similar post arise

Job summary

We are looking for a dynamic Specialist Doctor to join our team in the Western Health and Social Care Trust. This is a new role, created following the SAS contract reform in 2021. The post holder will be expected to demonstrate the generic capabilities laid out in the framework for the new Specialist grade, to the level equivalent of a Tier 4 doctor in Emergency Medicine.


Main responsibilities

The post holder will join a growing and motivated team, working together to deliver safe and effective care for those patients who attend our ED. The post of Specialty Doctor forms a core component of the medical staffing. The successful applicants will join a team of Consultants, specialty doctors, trainees and nursing specialist practitioners to deliver high quality services to Emergency Department patients. They will be responsible for the initial assessment of new attenders and re-attending patients, and will initiate investigations and plan and deliver appropriate care for these patients. They will also be required to liaise with specialty teams concerning patients who require specialty input or admission and for effective liaison and seamless medical care for such patients.

This post will aim to recognise and reward the successful applicant’s additional experience and clinical contribution as well as facilitating furthering training needs. 

As a clinician the post holder would be expected to work autonomously and support the Tier 2 and 3 doctors in the department.

At times they will be expected to act as the experienced senior decision maker in ED in various areas including leading Resus and managing the ED shopfloor.


For more details view the full job description in the Additional Information section below.


Full Time

£59,175 to £95,400 per annum pro rata

  • Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine.pdf

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Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Londonderry

Northern Ireland

The Trust is an equal opportunities employer
Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine

Western Health and Social Care Trust

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